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BBQ Quorn Buns

14th Mar 2012 - 10:00

Serves 15 Ingredients 10oz/275g soft bap mix 6oz/175g granary bread mix 10 fl oz/300ml water 12oz/350g Quorn pieces, roughly chopped 10oz/275g BBQ sauce 8oz/225g grated cheese ½ red pepper, chopped ½ green pepper, chopped

Preparation method

Method 1. Make up bread mix using water, knead and roll out a rectangle approximately 19” x 12” (49cm x 30cm). 2. In a large bowl mix chopped Quorn pieces, chopped peppers, cheese and BBQ sauce. Combine well. 3. Spread the mix evenly over the dough. 4. Roll up dough and mix carefully (from bottom to top). Ensure filling is evenly distributed. 5. Using a knife cut into 15 even slices approximately 1¼” (3½ cm) thick. 6. Place onto a baking tray, allow to prove for approximately 45 minutes until dough has doubled in size. 7. Bake in a hot oven 200oC/430oF/Gas 7 for approximately 10-15 minutes, or until golden brown and firm to touch. 8. Serve hot or cold with a plate of fresh chopped salad.

Recipe courtesy of
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PSC Team