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Three caterers make pledge to help Cardiff become world’s first sustainable fish city

24th Nov 2014 - 08:16

To celebrate World Fisheries Day, three of Cardiff’s education caterers have pledged to offer sustainable fish on their menus as part of the city’s campaign to become the world’s first sustainable fish city.

The Cardiff and Vale University health board, City of Cardiff Council education catering, and Cardiff University have all committed to remove endangered species from their respective menus and promote fish, which has been demonstrated to be sustainable. This will include Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified fish and those from the Marine Conservation Society’s ‘fish to eat’ list.

Carl Nichols head of WRAP Cymru and chair of Food Cardiff, the group behind the campaign, said: “We spend nearly £30million on fish every year in Cardiff, and it is vital that this is invested in fisheries that are sustainably managed if we are to continue to enjoy fish for generations to come. We have been overwhelmed with support for our mission to become a Sustainable Fish City; we are a coastal city and people recognise that it’s important to protect our precious marine habitats. Congratulations and well done to the caterers that have come on board to help us celebrate World Fisheries Day.”

Dr. Sharon Hopkins, executive director of Public Health for Cardiff and Vale University Health Board said: “Eating fish has many health benefits and we are determined to do our bit to make sure that we will still see fish on our menus long into the future. We hope this will be just the start of the NHS in Wales supporting sustainable fisheries – it doesn’t cost more to serve sustainable fish and we urge Wales’s other Health Boards to follow suit”

Sustainable Fish City is a campaign group coordinated by Sustain, the alliance for better food and farming, and includes the Marine Conservation Society, the MSC, Pisces Responsible Fish Restaurants and Seafood Choices.

The Cardiff focussed campaign is being lead by Food Cardiff who are seeking businesses, restaurants and venues to sign up to a sustainable fish policy. World Fisheries Day took place on November 21st.

Written by
PSC Team