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Settled at last: Britain's favourite biscuit revealed

27th Oct 2016 - 09:12
Chocolate digestives have reclaimed their crown as Britain’s favourite biscuit in the country's places of work.

Office workers, builders, shop staff and public sector workers all agree that these – and not recent interlopers the Chocolate Hob Nob – are the best biscuit for dunking in their tea or coffee, a national workplace law consultancy has found.

In its survey of over 6000 people, Yorkshire-based found a wide range of opinions on this nationally important matter, but that there could only be one winner.

Mark Hall, spokesperson at Protecting, said: “Given the choice, it looks like the chocolate digestive is Britain's favourite dunker and that's reassuring to know in these times troubled by economic and political uncertainty."

The top 10 biscuits were:

  1. Chocolate Digestive
  2. Chocolate Hob Nob
  3. Custard Cream
  4. Bourbon
  5. Rich Tea
  6. Chocolate Chip
  7. Malted Milk
  8. Ginger Nut
  9. Shortbread
  10. Jammie Dodgers

The chocolate digestive's victory was by no means clear cut. Less than 20 votes separated it from its Hob Nob rival, but these two were well ahead of the rest of the field. The plain digestive has plummeted out of the top 10.

"That is because – in our humble opinion – workplaces cut corners on their biscuit budgets and it's in the digestive that you notice that cheapness the most," Mark Hall added.

"Nobody likes to dip cardboard into their cuppa, but that's what you get with an off-brand digestive. The Great British Bake Off has spoiled us as a nation in this respect, we feel."

Slashed tea break budgets are one of those little issues that really annoy workers, said. "Our own research shows that employees genuinely dislike these cuts which only save a few pounds per year, but workers find petty and vindictive.

"Tea breaks are important and a strong source of morale. Fiddle around with people's biscuits, and you soon get a disgruntled workplace.

"You have to feel sorry for the Nice biscuit," Hall says. "Only one person out of 2,000 people said it was their favourite. What a fall from grace."

The survey was not without its problems after one of the vote's also-rans was struck from the running for technical reasons:

"We took the controversial decision to disallow the Jaffa Cake," says Hall, "Its status as either a biscuit or a cake is up in the air after June's Brexit vote, and we're expecting a firm ruling one way or the other some time in the next five years."

But one thing's clear: The tea break and biscuit are a central part of the day for many workers in Britain.

"Mess with that and you're asking for trouble."

Written by
PSC Team