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Head chef at Cucina Restaurants gets prepared for the Culinary World Cup

18th Nov 2010 - 00:00
Andy Wilcock, head chef at Cucina Restaurants, is heading to Luxembourg this weekend to compete in the Culinary World Cup.
His dish for the competition, which runs from November 20-24 2010, is a dessert of hazelnut crème brûlée, clementine jelly and butternut squash ice cream for four people. Wilcock, who is part of the Craft Guild of Chefs Culinary Team, said he is looking forward to the challenge: "The lightness of the crème brûlée combined with the zestiness of the orange jelly and the sweetness of the butternut squash makes for a delicious combination and a suitably seasonal dessert, which I'm hoping will prove popular with the judges. "I'm really looking forward to the Culinary World Cup, I know the crème brûlée will be fine, as I'm using Millac Dairy Whipping Cream; it's reliable so it takes some of the stress out of the competition." Simon Muschamp, head of marketing, added: "We are delighted that Pritchitts is the product of choice for such a major competition and this illustrates that Millac Dairy Whipping cream is totally reliable and is the trusted dairy cream for all professional chefs. "We wish Andy and the Craft Guild of Chefs Culinary team all the best as they take on some of the top chefs from around the world."
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PSC Team