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Half a ton of cereal - the average Briton eats it for breakfast!

10th Jul 2017 - 10:55
While it is not too uncommon to hear somebody say that they ‘skipped breakfast’, it appears this will not stop people from consuming half a ton of cereal and a staggering 1,267 litres of milk for their early morning meal during the course of their lifetime.

According to a new study, cereal is the nation’s most popular choice for their first meal of the day and the average Briton’s half-ton consumption is equivalent to the size of a horse or a grand piano.

Although cereal is the nation’s preferred option at the breakfast table, it is not only Weetabix and cornflakes that are being so readily devoured as the research showed that over an adult’s lifetime they will also work their way through a staggering 12,542 slices of bread or 627 loaves in total.

In addition to toast and cereal, Brits reckon they eat one banana a week which equates to more than 3, 135 over a lifetime and to wash it all down we will drink 1.4 gallons of caffeine in our tea and coffee in the morning.

Although four in ten people said they found breakfast boring, a fifth of those asked said their weekly breakfast menu included last night’s pizza, while 16% said their first reach for food would be leftovers from a Chinese takeaway.

Spokesman from online casino,, who carried out the research, said: “We love the idea of people eating leftover pizza for breakfast- purely from a lifestyle point of view.

“It may not be the healthiest of breakfast, but it shows that people have the attitude of doing whatever pleases them the most.”


Watch a video of Dave Benson Phillips playing roulette with his cereal here-

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Anonymous (not verified)