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Fun Friday Food Facts Vol. 19

19th May 2017 - 10:17
Fun Friday Food Facts Vol. 19
In the week where all the manifestos were announced, we found some vote winning food facts.

Scientists have helped us make huge gains in crop yields over the last 60 years. Without them we would today need to farm over 80% of the planet’s land area to feed ourselves, instead it is just over a third.

The contoured Coca-Cola bottle was designed to be so distinctive that it could be recognised in the dark or lying broken on the ground. The designers even patented its shape in 1915 to stop copycats. 

The most expensive pizza created was made by the restaurateur Domenico Crolla who created a $2,745.00 priced Valentine pizza which included toppings such as sunblush-tomato sauce, Scottish smoked salmon, medallions of venison, edible gold, lobster marinated in the finest cognac and champagne-soaked caviar.

Fish and chips was the only takeaway food not to be rationed during the Second World War. Winston Churchill said the dish combination were “good companions”, possibly offering a taste of Britain that was cherished by all and offered a sense of patriotism.

Originally, the word ‘restaurant’ did not mean an establishment where food was served. It referred to thick soups served by vendors called restaurateurs, believed to restore strength.

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