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Fun Friday Food Facts 2017 Vol. 32

18th Aug 2017 - 09:28
With National Burger Day just around the corner, we kick off the burger celebrations early with our Friday Food Facts.

McDonald's sells more than 75 hamburgers every second, of every day!

60% of sandwiches sold globally are actually burgers.

In 2004-2005, McDonalds paid rappers to mention Big Macs in their songs and paid them $5 each time their songs got played on the radio.

You can study burgerology at the Hamburger University. Seriously, you can. Those taking out McDonald’s franchises in the US are invited to the facility in Illinois to learn the ABC’s of burger cooking.

The world’s smallest burger van is just 5ft 2in long and less than 4ft high and could fit into most lifts. It is a scaled down, road-legal version of the Citroen H van and includes a fully functioning twin plate gas griddle.

If you’re still waiting for the day that McDonald’s sells all-day breakfast, don’t hold your breath… The reason it won’t is because the temperature required to cook its beef burgers differs significantly from the temperature at which eggs are cooked.

In 2009, fast food chain Burger King launched a campaign announcing a free (Whopper) burger to anyone who unfriended 10 people on Facebook. The publicity stunt was titled ‘Whopper Sacrifice’ and it broke some 233,906 friendships before it was stopped.

The reason that burgers look so good in commercials is because they are undercooked.

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Anonymous (not verified)