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Fun Friday Food Facts 2016 Vol. 39

28th Oct 2016 - 10:00
In the week where the government finally announced plans to build a third runway at Heathrow, not to everyone's delight, we found lots of great food facts.

Food was first preserved in tin cans in 1806, nearly 50 years before the first can opener was invented. That left soldiers, for whom the early cans were made, attacking the tins with hammers, chisels and bayonets to get at the food.

Hungry Brits eat more cans of baked beans than the rest of the world COMBINED. A whopping 1.2 million cans are sold every day, totaling around 445 million each year.

Eating one bacon roll with two rashers of bacon can shorten your life expectancy by the same as smoking four cigarettes.

In Korea they love their kimchi – spicy, pickled cabbage – so much that they even say the word ‘kimchi’ when having their photos taken, in much the same way we are encouraged to say the word ‘cheese’.

Written by
PSC Team