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Contract caterer bartlett mitchell launches expansion of DARE healthy eating programme

18th Jan 2013 - 08:32
Contract caterer bartlett mitchell is launching a new expansion of its DARE (Delicious and Responsible Eating) healthy eating series.

The DARE programme currently runs monthly in every bartlett mitchell operation and focuses on providing customers with information and food choices that can lead to a healthier lifestyle. The 2013 DARE programme kicked off this week with an intensive 10-week campaign of customer education/information, promotions and tastings.

The 10 weeks will cover the following topics and promotions/features:

Take it easy on yourself – start gently by looking at balance in your diet and taking small, manageable steps. Promotion – bottled water.

All things in Moderation – consider taking smaller portion sizes. Feature –displays of sample daily recommended portion sizes.

Change how you think about food – learn how ‘when and where’ you eat can impact on health. Promotion – healthy snacks promotions.

Fill up on colour – get your vitamins from a balance of colours across the food spectrum. Promotions – special deals on fruit.

Carbs and whole grains – what to eat and how much. Promotion – dishes featuring ‘good carbs’.

Good and bad fats – the difference and what this means to your diet. Promotion – dishes high in Omega 3 oils plus tastings of healthier oils.

Proteins – alternative sources to consider. Promotions – menu deals featuring beans and pulses.

Calcium – how we can get more from our daily food and the positive impact on the body. Promotion – calcium rich salads.

Sugar and Salt – the right amounts for a healthy diet and how to cut back easily.

Breakfast – start the day in a healthy way. Promotion – healthy breakfast options.

Penny Hunking is bartlett mitchell’s nutritionist and she will be managing a special LinkedIn group for customers to interact and also to contact Penny for personal diet advice and information.

David James, director of food services for bartlett mitchell and the driver of this new initiative, explained: “When people get back to work after the Festive Season, there is always a huge increase in interest in diet and healthy eating.

"Our DARE promotions have proven popular over the past years but what we are doing with DARE 2013 is to more intensively inform and persuade customers that by changing their diet permanently, they can enjoy a healthier lifestyle and get away from the binge and diet roundabouts that most people find themselves on. What better time to start this promotion than when the customer’s interest in the subject is highest at this time of the year!”

Written by
PSC Team